In 2019, the District made great strides toward our goals for enhancing our community.
Goals achieved included:
Sanitary Lift Station No. 1 – Construction of a new sanitary lift station to serve Kingslake Forest Subdivision. Another sanitary lift station is underway for Greensbrook Section 1.
Fire Hydrants Replacement – Upgrade of fire hydrants in the communities of Kingslake Forest and Greensbrook Section 1.
Waterline Extension and Sanitary Forcemain — Partnership with Sheldon ISD to construct 9,000 feet of waterline and 13,000 feet of sanitary forcemain to serve a new school campus.
New Park and Fitness Areas — Delivery of 1,700 feet of jogging trail surrounding the District’s detention pond, a new play area, splash pad and pavilion near the District’s Administration Building to create a new community park amenity.
Youth Center — Addition of a basketball court with pavilion and a pedestrian bridge and trail connecting two District communities. The basketball court is located within Greensbrook Section 1.
Smart Meter Pilot Program – Implementation of a pilot program that includes 20 smart water meters.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion – Facility expansion that will provide an additional 100,000 gallons per day of capacity. Another District facility expansion is also underway that will increase capacity by 300,000 gallons per day. Texas Water Development Board has approved funds for the expansion in the form of low interest rate bonds (rate to be well below market rates). Harris County Community Development Grant program has also conditionally awarded $1 million for the project.
Water Supply Expansion — Contracted with City of Houston to increase District water supply from 7 million gallons to 16.23 million gallons per month.Security Enhancement — Additional deputy for increased patrol coverage for District communities.
Continuation of recurring community programs including:
- National Night Out
- Back to School Assistance – Donation of back packs and school supplies to the children of HCMUD 148
- Annual Christmas Event in conjunction with the Water Smart Program
- Senior Citizen Program
- Summer Nutrition Program – Provides summer lunches for the District’s youth
Through the commitment and determination of our leadership and a group of dedicated consultants, we were able to deliver significant facility improvements, expanded amenities and enhanced service. The District was able to save more than $8 million through the receipt of grants. Our 2019 accomplishments were exciting, but in 2020 the best is yet to come as our work will bring even more progress and new beginnings for the District. We anticipate the receipt of additional funding to help us bring to reality even more community enhancements such as:
- Lift Station No. 2 Replacement
- Secondary waterline connection to Kingslake Forest water distribution system
- Water Plant yard piping improvements
- Third waterline connection to the District’s entire water distribution system
- Wastewater Plant Phase II Expansion
- Fire hydrant recoating and rehabilitation throughout the district
- Security enhancements with the addition of cameras at the Water Plant
- Soccer Fields
Progress is off to a great start this year. We will continue to keep you informed about the amazing successes being achieved in our District.
Calvet Shelley – President
Charles Randle – Vice President
Bobby Roberson – Secretary
Jacqueline McConnell – Assistant Secretary
Larry Canon – Treasurer